Teen Strength Program

Friday Night Teen Strength: First Class will be Friday 7/29/16

Downloadable forms:

Lakeville Powerlifting offers "Teen Strength" group training classes for Teenagers 13-17 years of age on Friday nights from 6:30pm - 8pm for $10 per session.

Each class will be limited to 10 participants maximum for a hands-on experience. If there is additional demand, we will create additional classes where schedule allows.

Although our training WILL cover the 3 basic power lifts - Squat, Bench, Deadlift and how to perform them properly and safely, "Teen Strength" is NOT exclusively a powerlifting class.

Our goal is to build all-around strength, confidence, and good, safe training habits and technique/form among young athletes to excel at ALL sports, as well as life in general.

Our training will be based around overall Strength and Speed development in the teenager.

Additionally, we will provide sports-specific training for each individual's sport, as well as General Physical Preparedness and developing the right psychological mind-set required to achieve not only athletic goals - but also scholastic and life goals as well.

We will also teach teenagers how to train themselves on their own for best results.

There is NO prior experience or Athletic qualifications needed for these classes. Each teenager's experience will be custom tailored to his or her athletic abilities and life/sport-specific needs.
Learning to strength train properly at a young age will give teens a confident, competitive advantage on a High School and Collegiate Level and allow for a long, healthy athletic career and lifestyle.

Each class is 1 1/2 hours long broken out as follows:

First 10-15 minutes - good habits, nutrition, sportsmanship, competitive mind set etc

Then we will spend roughly an hour and 15 minutes dedicated to hands on work, split into an upper body session and a lower body session of 35-40 minutes each. We will break out the 10 teens into two groups of 5 on each station (lower body/upper body), then rotate after 35-40 minutes. This allows for a more hands-on coaching experience with each group of 5. Each class will be coached by myself as well as one coaching assistant.

By using two groups of 5 we are able to better customize the training to the teens we have on a given night. For example if we have 5 older teens (15-17), we will group and train them differently than we would train a younger teen group (13-14). Additionally, we work with our older teens to develop a leadership role by allowing them to assist younger lifters as well.

We usually avoid deadlifting with younger teens. We do a lot of repetition work with "non conventional" strength building methods such as belt squats, goblet squats, etc.. These are items that allow them to develop strength safely as they practice and perform good form for the regular squat and bench each week as well.

What to bring:
  • $10 (You can pay via PayPal ahead of time here )
  • Wear comfortable Gym Shorts/T-shirt (Summer),  Sweatshirt (Winter)
  • Sneakers
  • If it is snowing or raining outside, please bring your gym sneakers separate so we can keep the floors dry and not slippery for others.
  • A Bottle of Water or Gatorade (We have a Water Cooler to refill)
  • Filled out/Signed Parent Info form and Athletic Questionnaire/Medical Release (First Time only, you can download here)
  • Filled out/Signed Waiver by Parent/Guardian (First Time only, you can download here )
Please arrive on time for 6:30, as we start at 6:30 sharp. I would personally recommend arriving 10 minutes early. Our doors will be open by 6:15.

If it is your first time coming to Teen Strength, please have your Parent Questionnaire and Waiver filled out and signed by a parent or guardian before 6:30 so we can begin on-time. Additionally, for first time teens - I need to meet your parent/guardian before you can attend. After the initial sign up, Parents are not required to come in each time.

Any last minute questions? You can always call me at  781.974.7298, or email me directly at: nepowerlifters@comcast.net

If we ever have to reschedule a class for any reason, or because of snowfall during the winter months, please check your email as well as Facebook for any last minute updates. If a class has to be rescheduled we always try to provide a minimum of 48 hours notice. (Except for last minute snow storms haha)

Thanks - see you there!

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