Friday, June 5, 2015

Deadlift Accessory - Rack pulls against bands

Thurs 6/4/15 - Deadlift Accessory

Real happy with tonights session. 6 weeks ago, I hit a PR of 545 + 115 band tension, and barely completed 5 reps. This cycle I was able to go to 585+115, 700lbs total tension for 5 reps. The last couple reps were tough.. but its great to see progress.

After this deadlift training block is completed, that will finish up 12 weeks of intensive deadlift accessory work.. the training block details can be found further back in my logs, but it basically cycles Safety Squat bar squats using a deadlift stance, block pulls 4", block pulls 8", and Rack pulls against bands.. combined with 5 or 6 solid deadlift accessories such as: Romanian deadlifts, Yates Rows, GHRs, Sled pulls.

Rack pulls at Knee (20) against doubled Bands (115lbs tension)

135+115 x 5
225+115 x 5
315+115 x 5
405+115 x 5
455+115 x 5
495+115 x 5
545+115 x 5
585+115 x 5 (pr)

Yates Rows
225 x 10
275 x 10
315 x 10

315 x 10
365 x 10
405 x 10

4 sets / 20 Reps

Sled Drags - Forward, wide

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