Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Smolev Jr.. explained

I didn't invent it.. Hell I didn't even think to use it until someone (Laura!) told me about it..
Smolev Jr. is a 3 week Bench-Only program designed to put 15-20lbs on your raw bench.. it was derived from the Smolev Squat routine, and is slightly "De-tuned" for Bench work.

The basic plan is you Bench 4 times a week, Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat.. each day increasing reps, but decreasing set # so your volume stays fairly constant each day of the week.. then each of the 3 weeks, you kick it up 10lbs the first week, and 5 lbs the second.. the percentages are all based upon your current 1RM max..

During the Smolov Bench routine, there is no accessory work, nor legs/other body part work. Also, it is not recommended to try and cut weight during the 3 week cycle. Your body needs to focus on recovery and strength building.. and take it from me.. once you hit week 2.. there will be no energy for additional body parts or accessories!!

It is not recommended to run this routine one-time-after-another.. You can run it multiple times, but always deload a few weeks in between.... 

example below:

Smolov Jr.

1RM 325

Add LBs Wk 2 10

Add LBs Wk 3 15

Week 1

Mon 6x6 230
Wed 7x5 245
Fri 8x4 260
Sat 10x3 275

Week 2

Mon 6x6 240
Wed 7x5 255
Fri 8x4 270
Sat 10x3 285

Week 3

Mon 6x6 245
Wed 7x5 260
Fri 8x4 275
Sat 10x3 290  

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