I was having trouble touching and pressing in the Metal Jack bench shirt.. something seriously different/wrong was going on between the 1 board and the touch... looking back, I was trying to belly up too excessively that last 1 inch or so, and that was unhooking my shoulders and throwing me out of press position. Also, I was trying to touch too high on this particular shirt.. so for this set, I focused on the "Bend the bar" cue to activate my lats and keep that bar out front, and on my lats.. then as I lowered it, I kept riding the bar path towards my feet, and instead of bellying up excessively, I just locked my belly up at the un-rack and rode it patiently down to the touch. I'm real happy with this 455. Felt in control and fast.
My plan at this point is:
This coming Sunday:
- Squat to 550 again - make sure I have depth
- Go to 600lbs (2nd attempt) reverse band to feel the weight
- Deadlift to 500/510 opener
Next wednesday: (Last heavy day before meet)
- 455lbs again to a touch
- Take another run at 500lbs if 455 feels good
Then rest up and stay sharp for the next 10 days into the meet.
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