It is definitely a mile between a 1 board (520lb pr) and a touch.. I figured 500lbs was a safe number to run with.. but not when you screw up your setup. Additionally, since this is the first time I've tried to touch in this shirt, it hasn't been stretched at all.. I literally felt my ribs separate on the way down.. more on that later..
What did I do wrong tonight that kept me from a clean bench? Just about everything..
- Collar was set too low on shirt on my chest and delts, causing me to get handcuffed by the shirt and unable to rotate my elbows out to lockout
- I tried to touch too high
- Lost my tightness
- Didn't keep the bar over my wrists
- Lost my arch a bit on the press
- Overflared at lockout
Bar x 5
95 x 5
135 x 5
225 x 3
275 x 1
315 x 1
405 x 1 (Shirt, 2 bd)
455 x 1 (Shirt, 1 bd)
500 x 1 (Shirt, Touch) x 3 Sets
Reverse Band 3 Board Bench raw:
375 x 3 x 3 Sets
Dumbbell Presses:
80 lbs x 10 reps x 3 sets
Band Flyes:
100 Reps
Band Tricep Pressdowns:
100 Reps
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