Sunday, January 15, 2012

1/14 Guest Coach and Lifter with Nick Tsourounis!

I was fortunate enough to have a friend of mine Nick Tsourounis up from Maryland visiting family, take some time out of his schedule to help me train.. (He drove 2 hours to meet me!) ... I met Nick at the my last meet in October, and as a fellow Greek - I figured he must be a pretty smart & strong guy!  ;)

But seriously, Nick has been lifting for a long time, and is a Pro in many regards, totaling well over 2000/2100lbs.. Nick will be lifting at the upcoming XPC Coalition lift March 4th during the same weekend as the Arnold in Columbus Ohio .. wish him well!

He helped me tweak my deadlift by fixing my stance, and keeping focus of my shoulders remaining behind the bar when pulling.. As far as the Bench Press, we worked on locking the lats and tris and really pushing the chest into the shirt and the lift - and spreading the bar.. all awesome stuff. Thanks Nick!

Here's a video of Nick in action, making a 635 Deadlift look effortless... (Don't mind the music)

Thanks again Nick for coming by.. You and the wife (Who also powerlifts!) are always welcome at our crazy home.. although you may not want be able to relax... considering our 3 kids, 5 dogs, and 4 rabbits!!!

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